Guitar Saddle

The Lord is my shepherd;I have everything I need. He Let me rest in green meadows; He leads me beside peaceful streams. He renews my strength. He guides me along right paths, bringing honour to his name.

Monday, July 17, 2006

Interesting Quote`

Recently came across this book, Bringing up boys by Dr. J Dobson This book focused on the family, provides a road map to some ideas of shaping the next generation of responsible, God-honoring men. Just reading through the articles, can't help but Wow! innocent as a child, creative & honest are those opinions.
While writing on the book Dr Dobson invites children to write, call and email to him to give their opinions. First, a nine years old sent in a list she had composed abt girls & boys:

Girls are more better than boys

  1. girls chew with their mouths closed.
  2. girls have better hand writing.
  3. girls sing better.
  4. girls can do their hair better.
  5. girls cover their mounths when they sneeze.
  6. girls don't pick their nose.
  7. girls learn faster.
  8. girls are cleaner.
  9. girls sit more politely.
  10. girls have more manners.

After posting the above Dr Dobson received response from both boys & girls was fascinating - and funny.Not everyone was pleased, however, including a rather irritated mother who thought they had insulted her son. She wrote, "would you consider publishing a similar letter entitled 'Boys are more better than girls'? Inorder to balance the scales, Dr Dobson invited boys to send him their written opinions of girls. Here are some items from the many lists that was received:

Why Boys are more better than girls

  1. Boys can sit in front of a scary movie and not close their eyes once.
  2. Boys don't get embarrassed easily.
  3. Boys can go to the bathroom in the woods.
  4. Boys can climb the trees better.
  5. Boys don't worry abt "diet-this' and "diet-that".
  6. Boys are better tractor driver than girls.
  7. Boys are way more cooler.
  8. Boys don't waste their life at the mall.
  9. Boys shave more than girls.
  10. Boys learn to make funny noises with their armpits faster.
  11. Boys don't WINE.
  12. Boys aren't shopacholics.
  13. Boys don't hv to hv 21 pairs of shoes (3 for everyday of the week!!!)
  14. Boys respect everything and everyone including GIRLS!

And for your info. those items on the boys list went up to 47!! Don't you love the spontaneity & creativity of children? ?


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