Guitar Saddle

The Lord is my shepherd;I have everything I need. He Let me rest in green meadows; He leads me beside peaceful streams. He renews my strength. He guides me along right paths, bringing honour to his name.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Retreat with good purpose

This looks sort of a retreat. Well directed decision on choice of food for dinner, which we visited for the 2nd nites. Pleasant & cooling weather, which we craved for more when we're back. Here are some selected pics. as well as the scenic views from our room.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

A year older, a year wiser

Not that i have forgotten to update our blog, However, due to some technical errors.....Good new is that i'm blogging now..... Here's the birthday boy. When i asked Ig how he prefer to celebrate his birthday, almost without hesitation he said with F4(not the group of singers, a group of friends, huh). Ig is a delight, just by watching him having so much joy. Thank you all for making it happened.

And these mango smoothies look as good as it taste. Can't help but to take down some pics. These are the real, concentrated home made mango juice.


Monday, January 01, 2007

Much More!

The beginning of December was already a marking point for us as a family to rest & relax & welcome our saviour once again for the years ahead. Think about the rain & the cloudy weather in the passed two weeks make me realised &treasured the divine protection & love that our Abba has for us throughout the trip. Here are some pics taken at Tira Beach, Genting & KL. What we enjoyed the most is His evidence of perfect timing for our benefits.

Tira Beach, 03-04.12.06
Splashing fun time

Carlin & Josh, playing sand by the pool
The Untouchables!

@ Ostrich farm, 05.12.06
Dear with little croc.
Brave Josh feeding the hungry ostrich.
This cute & cuddly rabbit was the centre of attraction.
Pal here trying to get the Ostrich as background.
@ Genting, 5-6.12.06
The Rodeo Rider, quite similar to the space shot except, it was design for Children.
Inside the hotel where we stayed.
Behind us the spinner.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Cartoonist, Einstein Kristiansen

While walking in the mall this afternoon i saw this familiar backview, or rather his trademark huh. He was drawing pictures for the public. Hence got the boys closer to have a better look, Ig saw his drawing on the TV show and always like the funny faces on each animal. Wait, it gets better... When we purchased the Faber-Castell colour pencil, we not only entitled to look at the process of Einstein's sketching but also to bring back one of it!! (suggested by Ig - Dinosaur)
Hallelujah!!!!! i believed we were at the right place at the right time, amazing...........

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Finally It Is Here

Doulos is finally here!! ok, maybe you're not too excited about it, but I am. After I have heard much about this world's largest floating bookstore we were on it today! there are quite a number of books on it and most were affordable. It was warm indeed inside the boat as there were canvas enclosing all the bookshelves area, I think morning will be the best time to visit. Both boys was delighted to find some of their favourite books and it look like a mini library to them.
Hope that we have stayed a bit longer as the scenic was pleasant as none of us feel that we are infact floating on boat!

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Yes, it had been very chanllenging for the pass few weeks. Nevertheless, we have not forgotten to enjoy the cooling yet not so hazy morning yesterday - You can definitely see it on those boys face!

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Mid-autumn evangelistic services

My parent attended the mid-autumn last year, my hubby was involved so we thought it would be a good opportunity to invite them, knowing that some how they will 'give face' as they really like their son-in-law.
This year, despite my hubby not around , i am so glad that my second sister took the initiative to bring our dad & mum to the evangelistic service yesterday. This will be their second time attending such event. We are delighted when our parent accepted the invitation because we have the confident expectation of good happening to our parent - their salvation.
Though my parent did not receive Christ yesterday, i still believed that God's goodness & mercy will definitely not just stop there. The next day, which is today, my mum attended the mandarin service!! PTL i know that God's message is already taking it's rightful position in their lives.