Why Angel T-Shirt?
It definitely was not a pleasant incident, however this dirty laundry that I am going to post had blessed me indeed.
I discovered a black ballpoint pen in my washer, huh, very annoyed at first because my dear hubby forgotten to take it off his shirt pocket !! Of course not very pleased, however, little did I realised that the rest of the white shirt including his working shirt was so called 'rescued' by this t-shirt ie. herein, which wrapped around the pen preventing the ink from spreading. Whether it shock others I don't know, but it was definitely a shocker to me.
God speaking to me at that very moment, even that there are cares and concerns (represented by stain)going through my mind (represented by the washer). In the same way God (represented by stain angel t-shirt) having covered by those stain, already taken care of the situation, so that I need not to think too much what is to come. I was just so overwhelmed by His love for me.
It lighten my days knowing my right standing with Christ & knowing that my Abba is quite humorous to pick such incident to speak to my thoughts. PTL
At August 26, 2006 3:16 PM, Cynthia雯 said…
Ooo...wat a revelation!
JESUS remain Cool n Calm in d midst of d STORM. Amen!
At August 27, 2006 11:20 PM, SO blessed said…
wah solid revelation man!!! how not to buy you another t-shirt, right brother jarvis?
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