Guitar Saddle

The Lord is my shepherd;I have everything I need. He Let me rest in green meadows; He leads me beside peaceful streams. He renews my strength. He guides me along right paths, bringing honour to his name.

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Why Angel T-Shirt?

It definitely was not a pleasant incident, however this dirty laundry that I am going to post had blessed me indeed.
I discovered a black ballpoint pen in my washer, huh, very annoyed at first because my dear hubby forgotten to take it off his shirt pocket !! Of course not very pleased, however, little did I realised that the rest of the white shirt including his working shirt was so called 'rescued' by this t-shirt ie. herein, which wrapped around the pen preventing the ink from spreading. Whether it shock others I don't know, but it was definitely a shocker to me.
God speaking to me at that very moment, even that there are cares and concerns (represented by stain)going through my mind (represented by the washer). In the same way God (represented by stain angel t-shirt) having covered by those stain, already taken care of the situation, so that I need not to think too much what is to come. I was just so overwhelmed by His love for me.
It lighten my days knowing my right standing with Christ & knowing that my Abba is quite humorous to pick such incident to speak to my thoughts. PTL

Monday, August 14, 2006

My bundle of Joy

When I saw this, I nearly cried - tears of Joy! To me, when Ig. start to use his mixed of colours to decorate this unique piece, it tells me that he really wanted to cheer me up. 1st I thought my hubby help him with those words, than, to my surprise he hide in the room that afternoon and came up with it by himself. Simple it can be, but it will definitely goes into my precious collection.
This is another masterpiece cut & pasted by Josh.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Sun, Sand, Sea, Sharks...

This will probably be the 1st time the boys came so close to so many sharks & stingrays. Surprised that both brother got up very early in the morning at 7am, despite the late night we had after the P&W nite - their aim, to conquer the whole Sentosa.
It's really beautiful to see those sea creatures gliding through the water effortlessly, not even the camera can capture those scenes (of course when the sharks swam over, is a different story).

Towards the end of the day, while walking along the beach & looking at both the beloved. It reminded me back to the days when they were still toddler, now they are so much independent & ever ready to express their thought. Thank you Abba for watching over them.